Cubs star put on leave after ex details scary abuse allegations

Cubs shortstop Addison Russell was placed on administrative leave by Major League Baseball on Friday after his ex-wife published a lengthy blog post detailing physical and emotional abuse she suffered during their two-year marriage.

MLB officials first launched an investigation into the allegations in June 2017, although Melisa Reidy-Russell declined to participate in the probe at that time, according to the league’s statement.

“Our investigation of this matter has remained open and we have continued our efforts to gather information,” the statement read. “With the new details revealed in today’s blog post by Ms. Russell, Mr. Russell has been placed on Administrative Leave in accordance with the Joint MLB-MLBPA Domestic Violence Policy. We are hopeful that this new information will allow us to complete the investigation as promptly as possible.”

In a detailed post published Wednesday, Reidy-Russell detailed how her relationship with her unnamed former spouse stripped away her “self-worth & self-respect” and left her depressed.

“No one wants to admit that there are serious problems going on in your relationship when you first get married, especially when society expects you to always portray your life to be picture perfect when you are in the public eye,” the post read. “The first time I was physically mistreated by my spouse, I was in shock. I couldn’t wrap my head around what just happened … Why did he get so angry? What did I do for him to want to put his hands on me?”

Reidy-Russell said she tried to pretend the abuse never happened and purposefully avoided “making him angry” in any way in fear of it occurring again. But that tactic didn’t work, she said, and the name-calling, intimidation by force and threats continued.

“Basically, I felt like I was nothing, a nobody & I was nothing without him, & I couldn’t do anything without him,” she continued. “After he would calm down from his angry spells, I’d always get the most sincere apologies, making me believe how sorry he was & he’s working on bettering himself.”

That was a far cry from when Reidy-Russell first met Russell at 20, when “everything was perfect,” she wrote.

“He treated me like a queen, so respectful, such a gentleman,” the post continued. “He loved my family, everyone loved him. Everything seemed to click perfectly. I knew he was the one, every bone in my body knew he was the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.”

Reidy-Russell said she then lost “all self-confidence” after rampant alleged infidelity by Russell, who has previously denied the abuse allegations. Still, she tried to “stick it out” in hopes things would take a positive turn. But as their relationship continued, the physical, verbal and emotional abuse continued, especially when “he was under the influence,” Reidy-Russell wrote.

The abuse continued through April 2017, Reidy-Russell said, at which point Russell “betrayed” his then-wife once again, she wrote.

“Feeling as bad about myself as I already did, on top of finding out about him cheating on me again, put me into a rage to finally just leave, enough is enough, I couldn’t [bear] to sit in our ‘home’ any longer and fall deeper and deeper into depression,” the post continued. “I prayed for strength & for courage to leave. My mother and my best friend were there to help me. I thank God for them every day that I had them there for support because I know for a fact if they weren’t, I wouldn’t have been strong enough to do it alone.”

The couple’s divorce was finalized Aug. 30, ESPN reports, some two years after their January 2016 nuptials and three years after the birth of their son. Reidy-Russell has moved on and has a message for other women who may find themselves in a similar situation.

“If you are reading this and you can relate, please know & never forget how loved you are,” her post concluded. “God loves you more than anyone & can give you freedom, peace & purpose. I am happier than I have been in years, I’ve created a life for myself that is peaceful and full of amazing people who love and encourage me every day.”