
Look for Blake Snell to boost award chances on the road

Nooo Canada! Justin Bieber, who may or may not be married to Hailey Baldwin, is applying for American citizenship. If and when the necessary steps are met he will then be able to run for public office. President Trump is looking into building a second wall which Justin Trudeau will pay for. But Trudeau, who was overheard singing, “God keep our land, glorious and Bieber free,” may not be willing. Worst trade ever: John Tavares for Justin Bieber.

Twofer Tuesday. Can Blake Snell get his 20th win? Rays are in Texas and Snell allowed one run last time they met. Teammates should get to Yovani Gallardo, who has given up three runs or more in past four starts. 20 units on the Rays and 10 units on the Braves. Anibal Sanchez has pitched well for us all year. Cards Austin Gomber got lit up by L.A. last week.

Mets phlogged Philly 9-4. Michael Conforto’s three-run homer in the ninth putting a close game away. Zack Wheeler going seven for the win. Victory has us at -1,235 clendenons.