
Letitia James wins Democratic primary for attorney general

Public Advocate Letitia James won a surprisingly easy victory in Thursday’s Democratic primary for attorney general, positioning herself to become the first African-American woman in statewide office in November.

James was declared the winner by the Associated Press just an hour after the polls closed.

She jumped to an early and large lead in New York City and her three rivals — Zephyr Teachout, Sean Patrick Maloney and Leecia Eve — never caught up.

James, 59, a Brooklyn native, benefited from a strong vote in the state’s minority communities as well as support from the Democratic establishment as Gov. Cuomo’s running mate.

“James is the public advocate. She’s strong for immigrants. She’s strong for equality,” said Reyna Perez, who voted for James at PS 99 in Kew Gardens, Queens.

Her supporters were ebullient at her election night party at the Milk River Restaurant in central Brooklyn.

“Her work is making history. This woman, this fighter been in the fight for me for over 20 years. We are creating her story not just for women but for all people. She’s a fighter,” said Dee Bailey, 60, who runs an HIV prevention group called Watchful Eye.

James also won the backing of hip-hop icons Nicki Minaj and P. Diddy a day before the election.

A poll by Siena College called the race a toss-up race with 25 percent for Maloney, 24 percent for James, 18 percent for Teachout and 3 percent for Eve.

Maloney, the congressman from the Hudson Valley, spent $3 million on TV ads to build up his name recognition.

But he didn’t have a vote-pulling operation to put him over the top at the ballot box.

Teachout, the Fordham University professor who ran against Cuomo in the 2014 Democratic primary for governor, banked on a strong turnout from Bernie Sanders progressives to win.

She won the endorsement of first lady Chirlane McCray, the wife of Mayor de Blasio.

James also benefited from an assist from her old friends at the Working Families Party.

The WFP blasted out 200,000 text messages to voters in an 11th-hour bid to take down Maloney.