US News

Tropical storm Florence could become hurricane, hit East Coast

Florence may soon cast an evil eye on New York.

The storm was well out to sea on Saturday, but “lots of things can happen with it,’’ said meteorologist Rob Miller of AccuWeather.

“Right now it’s still a tropical storm, but as it moves toward the coast it will strengthen and could become a major hurricane,” he said.

He added that we’ll know a lot more by Tuesday.

By then, Florence will be south of Bermuda and her path will be clearer.

A lot depends on the movement of a major high pressure system that’s rapidly building over the Great Lakes. If that system strengthens, it will steer the hurricane to the south and Florence would likely hit around the Carolinas.

But if the high pressure area weakens, Florence will be a lot more likely to hit New York, Miller said.

In any case, it’s likely to cause high surf all along the coast.

“It certainly could become a hazardous situation and it would be wise to start preparing now,’’ Miller said.

The last major hurricane to hit the Big Apple was Sandy, in 2012.