US News

$400K raised for homeless hero is gone: lawyer

A kindhearted homeless veteran who helped a stranded woman with gas money has been left “devastated” after learning that a nearly half-million-dollar fortune he got through GoFundMe is gone, a lawyer for the man revealed Tuesday.

Johnny Bobbitt, a Philadelphia vagrant, only received about $75,000 cash, a camper and a 19-year-old pick-up, out of some $400,000 raised for him by Kate McClure and Mark D’Amico.

The couple got the money from some 14,000 online donors, who were moved by the story of Bobbitt giving McClure his last $20 to help her fill up her tank on I-95 earlier this year.

Chris Fallon, an attorney for Bobbitt, said that the couple informed him through their lawyers Tuesday that the rest of the cash was now gone.

“Shocked. Shocked,” Fallon said of when he learned about the fund, telling that Bobbitt was “devastated.”

“They raised this money to help Johnny Bobbitt get money for food.”

Bobbitt has accused the couple of mismanaging the money that was raised in his name — as they have responded by saying they have not misused the money and do not want to give him large sums of cash for fear he will spend it on drugs.

Bobbitt had filed suit in New Jersey to get the cash, prompting a judge last week to order the couple to hand over the rest of the money.

There was no immediate word on what had been done with the rest of the $400,000. McClure and D’Amico’s attorney, Ernest Badway, told the Associated Press they have no comment.

A spokesperson for GoFundMe said the company is working to make sure Bobbitt, a Marine veteran, gets his due.

“While we assist law enforcement with their ongoing investigation, GoFundMe is also working with Johnny’s legal team to ensure he’s receiving support while the remaining funds are being recovered,” Whithorne said in a statement.

With Post wires