US News

Shady Malaysian billionaire might be hiding in China

He used to be everywhere — popping champagne with Paris Hilton in St.-Tropez, showering model Miranda Kerr with diamonds on his 300-foot yacht, funding Leonardo DiCaprio movies and snapping up a $30 million penthouse in the Time Warner Center.

But where in the world is Jho Low now?

Somewhere in China is anyone’s best bet for where the world’s most-wanted financial fugitive is languishing on the lam.

The Chinese government is believed to be harboring Low as he negotiates with the US Justice Department to turn himself in, sources told The Post.

Low, 37, remains at the center of a multibillion-dollar embezzlement scheme based in his native Malaysia.

The playboy financier is allegedly a key figure in the scheme, in which some $4.5 billion was stolen from Malaysian state-run development fund 1MDB.

Federal prosecutors are seeking to recover more than $1 billion worth of real estate, art and other American-purchased goodies he allegedly splurged on using his ill-gotten gains.

So far, Australian stunner Kerr has returned $8.1 million in diamonds the feds say Low gifted her during their yearlong affair following her split from Orlando Bloom.

DiCaprio has also handed back a Picasso, a Basquiat and an Oscar statuette that once belonged to Marlon Brando, all gifts from the celebrity-ingratiating Low.

Even Red Granite Pictures, which produced “The Wolf of Wall Street,” in which DiCaprio starred as rapacious stock jock Jordan Belfort, was ordered in March to hand over to the feds some $60 million in profits linked to Low’s largesse.

Until recently, though, Low kept all his personal goodies.

That changed last month, when Low’s yacht, the Equanimity, was seized off the coast of Bali on behalf of the Malaysian government.

The seized luxury yacht Equanimity at Boustead Cruise Center in Port Klang
The seized luxury yacht Equanimity at Boustead Cruise Center in Port KlangNurPhoto via Getty Images

It will be tough for Malaysia to recover anywhere near the $250 million purchase price of the Caymans-registered big boat, because “the market is very limited and only the super-rich can afford it,” former Malaysian Finance Minister Tun Daim Zainuddin told The Sun this week.

“Jho Low can afford it because it is not his money.”

Low’s last confirmed address was in early May, at a Marriott Hotel in Macau on China’s south coast, according to The Wall Street Journal, which first broke the news of Low’s Chinese “staycation.”

It was in a penthouse suite at the Marriott that Low holed up with his staff, wife, two young children and a contingent of burly Chinese bodyguards, and was nearly arrested in May, the paper reported.

The contingent left with laptop computers and suitcases full of documents — with an aide to Low first wiping down all of the penthouse countertops with alcohol to remove fingerprints, a source told the paper.

Low may be able to sweeten any deal with the feds by spilling intel on the former prime minister of Malaysia, Najib Razak — including where Razak, who in May was defeated for re-election, has stashed his own alleged lootings, sources told The Post.

“Jho Low has a lot of information on Najib’s involvement [in the IMDB scandal],” one source told The Post. “Najib is the bigger fish to catch.

“If he is turned over, he will tell the real story — and there are a lot of wealthy people who are afraid of what he’ll say when he spills,” the source said.