
2 more victims of Times Square driver’s rampage file lawsuits

Two more victims — a high school student and a retired teacher — have filed suit against the city and maniac driver Richard Rojas over his deadly Honda Accord rampage into crowds of pedestrians in Times Square.

New Jersey student Jessica Williams, 19, was still confined to a hospital bed and hooked up to a breathing tube in June after suffering serious internal injuries. Former Brooklyn teacher William Nelson Sr. was also hospitalized with a breathing tube.

The two are suing jointly seeking $75 million over the May incident.

Rojas — who was allegedly high on PCP at the time — recently blamed the victims for their troubles in a galling response to another suit filed by the family of Alyssa Elsman, who was killed in the crash.

His attorney declined to comment. Rojas plans to mount an insanity defense.

Both suits blame the city for failing to install barriers along Times Square sidewalks to protect pedestrians.

A city Law Department spokesman said, “This incident was tragic and our hearts go out to the families. We will review the complaint.”