
Trump, Kasich take their feud to social media

President Trump on Monday blamed Ohio Gov. John Kasich for a tight special congressional election last week — and Kasich fired back by tweeting a GIF of a laughing Vladimir Putin.

“The very unpopular Governor of Ohio (and failed presidential candidate) @JohnKasich hurt Troy Balderson’s recent win by tamping down enthusiasm for an otherwise great candidate. Even Kasich’s Lt. Governor lost Gov. race because of his unpopularity. Credit to Troy on the BIG WIN!” the commander-in-chief tweeted.

While the president tweeted that Balderson won, the race in the Buckeye State’s 12th Congressional District has not been called yet, with Democrat Danny O’Connor still having a shot as all the votes are counted.

The president was responding one day after Kasich, a potential 2020 presidential contender and one of Trump’s harshest Republican critics, told NBC News that the tight contest should send a message to the GOP about Trump’s divisive behavior.

Whoever wins, the two will face off again in the midterms in November.

Trump endorsed Balderson and campaigned for him earlier this month, linking the Democrat to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.

“Will be going to Ohio tonight to campaign for Troy Balderson for the big Congressional Special Election on Tuesday. Early voting is on. Troy is strong on Crime, the Border & loves our Military, Vets & 2nd Amendment. His opponent is a puppet of Nancy Pelosi/high taxes,” the president tweeted on Aug. 4.

On “Meet the Press,” Kasich went after Trump on tariffs, which he said hurt his state’s farmers, over the soaring federal deficit as well as his “zero tolerance” immigration policies and forced separation of migrant children from their parents.

“The Republican Party has never been for protectionism. The Republican Party doesn’t support a notion that families shouldn’t be held together. The Republican Party never supported the notion that we should ring up debt and put our kids so much in debt by doing things that are not responsible,” Kasich said.

“The Republican Party has never believed that we should walk away from our allies who have helped us keep the peace since World War II. These positions, they don’t even resemble the Republican Party.”