
Woman bravely rescues toddler dangling from fire escape

The brave Queens woman who sprung into action when she saw her neighbor’s toddler dangling from a 10-foot-high fire escape told The Post basic instinct lead her to save the boy’s life.

“I didn’t know what to do, I just did it,” Sonia Ramirez told The Post Sunday. “I moved to the place where the baby was coming. It was so fast.”

She was coming home from work on Saturday evening when she saw the 2-year-old straddling a third-floor fire escape of her Woodside apartment building — so she put out her arms and broke the kid’s fall.

Ramirez said the child had been dangling for “five minutes of anguish” before he dropped.

“The baby was there on the [fire escape] and he was going up. We screamed to him: stop, stop! And he stopped for a while but then he went down and was like dangling over the [railing] one leg there and one leg hanging. And then he fell.”

With nerves of steel, Ramirez zeroed in on the kid and prepared to catch him.

“I was screaming for help, but I wasn’t that nervous,” she said. “I was mostly focused on the baby.”

As the about 49-pound boy fell, Ramirez caught and then dropped him, breaking his fall.

“I don’t know if I could handle the weight of the baby, that fast on my arm,” she said. ” When he fell from my arms, he hit his head, so thank god everything is fine.”

Ramirez said she didn’t know the boy or his family.

The boy’s 13-year-old sister, who was home on Sunday, said her parents were still at the hospital with her baby brother.

The girl, named Pranjali, said her mom was busy cooking in their kitchen with the music on during the incident.

She said their window had been open just a crack to let air in but that her baby brother climbed over a couch and out.

“She was shocked, this has never happened before,” the girl said about her mom. “She was about to cry, her eyes were blurry. I think she was really in a panic.”