
NYPD commish concerned about ‘untraceable’ 3-D printed guns

The prospect of printed 3-D guns flooding the Big Apple raised immediate concerns with the city’s top cop.

“I had the same feeling back when I saw the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act,” Police Commissioner James O’Neill said Thursday when asked what he thought about blueprints for building 3-D guns that could be widely released online.

“We don’t need more guns in New York City and we definitely don’t need guns that are not traceable,” O’Neill said.

The Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act is federal legislation that would allow gun owners to carry their weapons across state lines. The legislation has been making its way through the system and could become law.

The federal courts have been weighing the online release of 3-D gun blueprints.

“Because that 3-D printer gun’s basically a zip gun,” O’Neill said. “It’s one round that’s fired and there’s no rifling so there’s no way to trace where that gun comes from. … I have very strong feelings about that.”