
Cy Vance: I had no idea how bad sex harassment was until #MeToo

Manhattan DA Cy Vance claimed Thursday he had no idea how widespread workplace sexual violence was until the #MeToo movement began last year.

“I frankly was not aware of the extent to which workplace sexual violence existed, and perhaps I should have been. I did not understand the full scope of it,” Vance told Buzzfeed Thursday.

He described the movement — where a torrent of accusers brought down heavyweights such as Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, Matt Lauer and Al Franken — as a “revelation.”

In 2015, Vance said there wasn’t enough evidence to make a case against Weinstein for allegedly groping model Ambra Battilana Gutierrez.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo ordered a state investigation into Vance’s handling of the Gutierrez case, which hit a slight road bump when New York Attorney general Eric Schneiderman stepped down amid accusations he assaulted three ex-girlfriends and a woman who spurned his advances.

Interim AG Barbara Underwood has since picked up the case.

Vance created a special unit to deal with workplace sexual harassment claims in January.