
Nixon’s campaign accuses Cuomo of lying to LGBT caucus

Cynthia Nixon’s campaign has accused Gov. Cuomo of lying on a questionnaire for the much-sought-after endorsement of the state’s largest LGBT organization.

According to Nixon’s campaign, Cuomo answered “no” when asked if he ever supported a member of the now-dissolved Independent Democratic Conference, which allied itself with Republicans in the state Senate. But Cuomo endorsed the IDC chair, Sen. Jeffery Klein (D-Bronx), in 2014.

Nixon fought hard for the endorsement of the Stonewall Democratic Club of NYC and even made an appearance at its Wednesday-night endorsement meeting.

But the club ended up going with Cuomo, who has won plaudits from gay activists for pushing through gay marriage and new protections against discrimination for LGBT individuals.

The story about the questionnaire was first reported by The Intercept.

Asked to comment, ­Abbey Fashouer, a Cuomo campaign spokeswoman, told the Web site the governor is committed to Democratic unity.

“If anyone threatens to defect from the Democratic Conference, he will be first in line to oppose them,” she said, despite his previous endorsement.

“The governor is a national leader for LGBTQ rights and his record of leadership making New York the first big state to pass marriage equality speaks for itself.”