
Trump: US ready to make ‘real deal’ on Iran nukes

Two days after delivering an all-caps warning that Iran would suffer historic “consequences” for threatening the United States, President Trump on Tuesday tamped down​ his​ ​hawkish rhetoric and signaled he’s ready to make a “real deal” on Tehran’s nuclear program.

“Iran is not the same country anymore, that I can say,” Trump said at the Veterans of Foreign Wars National Convention in Kansas City, Mo.

“But we’re ready to make a real deal, not the deal that was done by the previous administration, which was a disaster.”

Trump withdrew in May from a 2015 nuclear pact President Barack Obama and a number of ​other countries inked with Iran — a deal Trump has called “the worst” ever negotiated.
The softer tone follows a weekend war of words between DC and Tehran.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also announced the United States would engage in a “diplomatic and economic pressure campaign” against Iran.

​Trump on Sunday responded to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani’s ​comments that hostile behavior from the US would result in the “mother of all wars” by vowing in a tweet that “YOU WILL SUFFER CONSEQUENCES THE LIKES OF WHICH FEW THROUGHOUT HISTORY HAVE EVER SUFFERED.”

​Earlier Tuesday, Maj. Gen. Mohammad Bagheri, Iran’s armed forces chief of staff, echoed Rouhani’s comments that America “should not play with the lion’s tail” because “they will receive a strong, unimaginable and regrettable response of great magnitude in the region and the world.”

With Post wires