
Even a serial child-killer will soon go free, thanks to Cuomo’s parole board

Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s parole board has truly lost it. After springing two notorious cop-killers and a gunman who killed a Bronx prosecutor this year, it is now set to release a serial baby-killing mom.

Marybeth Tinning, 75, who was convicted of murdering her 4-month-old daughter, admitted smothering three of her other kids and is suspected of killing yet another five, could be freed from prison by next month after parole board members gave her a get-out-of-jail-free card in July. How evil do you have to be to be nixed by this board?

In 2011, Tinning, who has spent 30 years behind bars, told the panel: “When my daughter was young . . . I just believed she was going to die. So I just did it.” Now, apparently, Tinning’s an upstanding citizen.

Board members, most of whom were picked by Cuomo, have all but scrapped any conditions to keep killers locked up:

“People who kill cops and kids should never see the light of day, let alone be paroled,” state Sen. Jim Tedisco (R-Schenectady) told The Post. “Where is the justice? . . . This is a total disgrace and an affront to the victims and the safety of the public.” It’s also now a monthly practice, it seems. Tragically so.