US News

Woman seen swiping restaurant’s artwork outed thanks to social media

A customer was caught on camera helping herself to something not on the menu at Roberto’s Italian Ristorante in Youngstown, Ohio, over the weekend.

On Saturday evening, an unnamed woman was recorded walking out of the downtown restaurant carrying a painting that she had pulled off the wall.

“The painting was bagged and then just taken away,” said server Andrew Hallof to WKBN.

Though Hallof was not there when the piece of artwork was stolen, he said he saw a video of the theft posted on the owner’s Facebook page.

The brazen art thief is seen in the surveillance video carrying the wrapped painting under her arms and she walks past a restaurant server and by other patrons eating on the busy patio.

The owners took to social media to find the woman and track down the painting, which holds special sentimental value.

“It was painted for them when they opened originally. As you know, it probably is a pretty big piece of this restaurant,” Hallof told WKBN.

The Facebook post sparked interest in the community, gathering 34K views and nearly 500 shares. Soon she was identified and the owners got in touch with her and asked for the painting back.

“She was supposed to bring it back [Sunday]. Apparently, it was a big misunderstanding,” Hallof said to the news outlet.

The painting did end up being returned, WKBN reported, but the suspect said she did not want to discuss why she took it.

The owner said he did not want to press charges against the woman, but is happy the painting is back up on the restaurant’s wall, WKBN reported.

The restaurant owner did not immediately return Fox News’ request for comment.