
Cuomo gets Planned Parenthood endorsement despite Nixon’s jabs

Gov. Andrew Cuomo landed the endorsement of Planned Parenthood on Wednesday — a day after Cynthia Nixon posted a video mocking Cuomo’s claim that he’s a champion of women’s rights and reproductive freedom.

“The landscape has changed; due to the Supreme Court nominee, Roe v. Wade hangs in the balance. Now more than ever we need experienced leaders who understand the importance of protecting access to abortion in New York state,” said Robin Chappell Golston, president of Planned Parenthood’s New York State political arm.

“In this critical moment in our nation’s history, the stakes are too high; we need an experienced leader who will fight to protect New Yorkers from federal attacks on our rights and values — and that leader is Andrew Cuomo.”

The endorsement couldn’t come at a better time for Cuomo, who has come under severe attack from his Democratic rival for not doing enough to protect women.

On Tuesday, Nixon posted a video on YouTube portraying herself as a serious defender of reproductive freedom while capturing Cuomo in lighter interactions with women, including claiming to be a “feminist” because God gave him three daughters.

“On everything from reproductive rights to sexual harassment, the governor has shown us just how out of touch he is. New Yorkers deserve better,” the actress says in the video.

Planned Parenthood apparently felt differently.

The Democratic primary is Sept. 13.