Weird But True

‘Mystery high school pooper’ wants tapes of alleged defecation

The “Pooperintendent of Schools” accused of repeatedly defecating on campus grounds wants police to cut the crap and show him the surveillance footage used to arrest him.

Thomas W. Tramaglini, 42, appeared in court Tuesday to request the full videos that allegedly show him taking a dump on the athletic field at Holmdel High School in New Jersey, reported.

The Kenliworth Public Schools superintendent was arrested in April after weeks of faculty discovering feces on a “daily basis” near or on the track and football field, according to police.

In an attempt to nab the mystery pooper, police set up surveillance cameras that helped them identify Tramaglini as the suspect, according to

Police arrested the superintendent around 5:50 a.m. April 30 while he was running on the school track, which is around three miles from his Aberdeen home.

Tramaglini’s lawyers requested the full video and the identity of a witness who claimed Tuesday that there were problems with details related to the footage. The defense team said the superintendent only received “snippets” of the supposedly damning video, reported.

He faces charges for public defecation, littering and lewdness in the case.

Tramaglini requested and was granted a paid leave of absence from his job following his arrest.