Weird But True

Wrestler lights himself on fire and it doesn’t end well

A wrestler has been suspended for performing an unsanctioned crazy move that involved setting himself on fire.

The shocking incident happened on May 20 at a Philippine Wrestling Revolution show called Wrevolution X.

James “Idol” Martinez was the man behind the crazy move that left him racing backstage in search of a fire extinguisher.

As footage shows, Martinez set himself alight after pouring lighter fuel over his body while standing on the top rope before leaping, literally in a blaze of glory, down towards his opponents.

The stunt went dramatically wrong, and not only did Martinez miss the crossbody attempt, the flames continued to burn his skin afterwards.

Seeing his pain, Martinez’s opponents rush to try to put out the fire.

But Martinez instead sprints towards the curtain, where staff eventually put him out.

It remains unclear how bad the damage was, but a statement from PWR confirmed that Martinez has been suspended.

It read: “Philippine Wrestling Revolution would like to officially announce the suspension of James ‘Idol’ Martinez from active competition due to events that transpired during his match at Wrevolution X 2018 last 20 May 2018, which resulted in injuries to Mr. Martinez.

“PWR is committed to providing the safest possible environment for its performers, personnel, and audience members. Any factor that could endanger them will be treated with the utmost seriousness and importance. PWR wishes Mr. Martinez a speedy recovery.”