Sex & Relationships

We said we’d get married if we were single at 50 — so we are

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Kim Dean and Ron Harper, at a spot on the second floor of St. Agnes School where Kim used to wait to catch a glimpse of Ron coming down the stairs from the high school classrooms upstairs. Zuma Press
Kim Dean paused to read a note on a locker as she and Ron Harper visited St. Agnes School, where they met decades ago. Zuma Press
Ron Harper held a note that'd he'd written to Kim Dean - and that she kept - when they were teenagers at St. Agnes School. Zuma Press
Ron Harper holds the Save the Date announcement for their wedding, which featured a photo of he and Kim Dean when they were students at St. Agnes School. Zuma Press

You’ve seen “The Pact” on “Friends” or “How I Met Your Mother.” Maybe you’ve even made one with a friend: That if you’re still single at a certain age, you’ll settle down with one another.

Well, last year Kimberley Dean turned 50. And, Friday, the Minnesota native will marry her partner and childhood friend Ron Palmer, per the promise they made years ago, the Star Tribune reports.

“I never got along with anyone else as well as I got along with her,” Palmer, now 54, says of the bond he’s always had with his wife-to-be.

The two met when they were teenagers and went on to be high-school sweethearts. After high school, they went their separate ways, and both ended up in marriages that didn’t work out. But in the 30 years after high school, they stayed in touch, only getting closer as the years went on.

In 2016, their relationship became romantic again. Then last year, after Dean’s birthday, the two remembered their pact — and Palmer proposed.

“I think we both knew, even in high school, that we were supposed to be together,” says Dean, a school district administrator.

“I truly did love her back when we were kids,” says Palmer, a safety coordinator. “I’ve always loved her. She’s such an awesome friend.”

Although she regrets that it took them so long to finally get together, Dean says it was maybe for the best.

“We had to go through all those relationships — the good, the bad, the ugly, the complete heartbreak — to get to where we are right now. We’ve even talked about, if we had gotten married all those years ago when we were younger, would we still be together?”

Her daughter from a previous marriage, Kayla, told the Star Tribune that she always knew her mom would end up with Palmer.

“People who are meant to be together will always find each other,” she says. “It may take 37 years, but it can happen.”