US News

Mueller’s Russia probe has cost nearly $17M

WASHINGTON — Special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe has cost taxpayers nearly $17 million, according to a newly released expense report.

That includes $7.7 million spent directly by Mueller for things like staff salaries, travel and rent as well as about $9 million the Justice Department shelled out in support of the Russia probe, according to Justice Department figures.

The expenses were incurred from May 17, 2017 — the day Mueller was appointed — through March 2018.

The Justice Department released its latest six-month expense tally Thursday to show “the Special Counsel’s spending within the approved budget.” Another expenditure review will occur for the six-month period ending Sept. 30.

The latest report shows that expenses are growing — $10 million in the latest six months between Mueller and DOJ expenses. For the nearly five-month period at the start of the investigation, an earlier report showed about $6.7 million in costs.

Mueller’s team is investigating Russia’s meddling in the 2016 presidential election and ties between the Trump campaign and Russian bad actors.

The president has denied any wrongdoing.

So far, Mueller’s team has filed charges against four former Trump associates — Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, Richard Gates and George Papadopoulos — as well as 13 Russians and others.