Sex & Relationships

Man gets pen tip removed from penis after sex act gone wrong

A man had a pen tip removed from his urethra after a sex act went horribly wrong.

The 55-year-old went to the hospital with bleeding and difficulty urinating two months after it got stuck, but he didn’t tell doctors what had happened.

He was referred to a urologist at King George’s Medical University in India for further testing.

The unnamed man was originally misdiagnosed with urethral stricture or a narrowing of the urethra.

Doctors then had difficulty inserting a catheter to help the man pee but “the patient denied any history of local trauma, sexually transmitted diseases, drug abuse or foreign body insertion,” according to the BMJ report.

Scans later revealed a blockage in his urethra.

Doctors put a camera up his urethra and discovered a pen tip was lodged in the tissue, so high up it was pushing into the bladder.

Medics were able to pull the pen tip out through the tissue surrounding the urethra and the man had to urinate through a catheter for two weeks.

BMJ Case Reports 2018

One month later the man was able to pee normally and admitted he put the pen in his penis for “sexual gratification.”

He had not had sex since the incident.

“Many cases of a foreign body (FB) in urethra have been reported previously,” Dr. Gaurav Garg wrote in the report.

“These include needles, pins, pen tip, plastic cup, olive seeds and so on. These are usually associated with old age, poor mental condition, intoxication or for sexual stimulation.”

“Patients usually present with complaints of dysuria [pain when weeing], difficult voiding [weeing], retention and pain. Misdiagnosis of urethral foreign bodies can be catastrophic as it leads to inadequate management and prolonged treatment duration.”