
Dinesh D’Souza slams Bharara after being pardoned

Recently pardoned conservative filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza wasted no time before mocking the man who put him away following his full pardon by President Trump on Thursday.

“KARMA IS A BITCH DEPT: @PreetBharara wanted to destroy a fellow Indian American to advance his career. Then he got fired & I got pardoned,” D’Souza tweeted at Bharara, former United States attorney for the Southern District of New York.

Bharara indicted D’Souza in 2014 for using “straw donors” to funnel $20,000 to Wendy Long’s 2012 US Senate campaign in New York. D’Souza pleaded guilty and was sentenced to eight months in a halfway house and five years’ probation​, along with a $30,000 fine.

Trump fired Bharara, appointed by President Barack Obama, after he refused to resign last year.

The former prosecutor tweeted earlier Thursday that he stands by the conviction.

“The President has the right to pardon but the facts are these: D’Souza intentionally broke the law, voluntarily pled guilty, apologized for his conduct & the judge found no unfairness. The career prosecutors and agents did their job. Period,” he tweeted.