
Deutsche Bank lands on federal list of ‘troubled’ banks

Deutsche Bank has reportedly landed on the US government’s naughty list.

The Federal Reserve has deemed a US unit of the German banking behemoth “troubled,” and has put it on a list that puts it in danger of a government takeover, the Financial Times reported Thursday.

The Fed gave the bank one of its lowest designations last year after Deutsche got a dismal score on a test that rated the strength of its business, according to the report.

The result is that the Fed has had to approve the hiring and firing of major senior personnel — which would have included CEO John Cryan, who was pushed out last month.

That, in turn, calls into question the narrative, pushed by the board, that shareholders had advocated for Cryan’s ouster in order to get the share price higher.

The bank is also in the process of shedding about 10,000 jobs. As first reported by The Post, it also has shortened its paid-leave periods for departing bankers. Those are measures that would have been approved by the government, according to the FT.

The “troubled” designation is on Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, which has about $42 billion in assets.

The unit was the one hit by the Fed for facilitating Russian “mirror” trades that illegally laundered money out of the country. Deutsche settled with the Fed for $630 million last year, and was slapped with a $425 million fine from New York’s Department of Financial Services in January.

“As a matter of policy, we do not comment on specific regulatory feedback,” Kerrie McHugh, a Deutsche spokeswoman, said in a statement.

“The ultimate parent of the Deutsche Bank Group, Deutsche Bank AG, is very well capitalized and has significant liquidity reserves,” she added.

Deutsche’s presence on the troubled bank list, which is maintained by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., hasn’t been reported previously.

The FDIC only reports the number of banks that are troubled, of which there are 92, a post-crisis low, the FT reported.

If the bank doesn’t turn itself around, the FDIC can take over the Deutsche subsidiary and force a sale to a healthier lender.