US News

Deadbeat son finally starts to move out of parents’ home

This deadbeat son is finally hitting the road.

Michael Rotondo — the 30-year-old upstate man who lost a court battle to keep living in his parents’ suburban Syracuse home — began hauling his junk out in anticipation of a Friday deadline to vacate the premises.

The unemployed ne’re-do-well was seen schlepping Lowe’s boxes packed with his belongings, along with a strange collection of heavy equipment such as a welding table, and taking it to a nearby storage locker.

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Michael Rotondo, with the help of friends, starts to move out of his parents home in Camillus, NY.
Gabrielle Fonrouge
Michael Rotondo, with the help of friends, starts to move out of his parents home in Camillus, NY.
Gabrielle Fonrouge
Michael Rotondo, with the help of friends, starts to move out of his parents home in Camillus, NY.
Gabrielle Fonrouge

“I feel pretty good about it! Yeah, I’m ready,” he told The Post when asked how he felt about the impending eviction day.

Rotondo was helped by a distant cousin, Anthony Mastropool, who lent the use of a pickup truck to carry some 30 boxes and other miscellaneous large items to the storage unit.

But Rotondo showed some procrastination Thursday during the court-ordered move, which his parents first requested, in writing, earlier in the year.

The effort was originally scheduled for 2 p.m., but Michael later decided to push it back to 4:30 p.m.

“I think we’re going to do the rest of it within a little while,” he said nonchalantly. “It should be fine.”

He even paused the move-out for a while to strap on a helmet and take off on his yellow bike, his long black ponytail flowing in the breeze.

“I’m running an errand right now,” he said.

On Wednesday, Rotondo invited a Post reporter into his parents’ home, where he was about to spend his final two nights.

His messy bedroom included an open box of Pop-Tarts, 4C Iced Tea, a bag of peanut M&Ms and a jug of pork rinds.

“My dad’s in the basement, so don’t be too loud,” he warned.

The storage locker was packed with a mountain of junk, including childhood relics like a toddler’s bicycle and a “Make Your Own Piggy Bank” kid’s game.

He also had a broken-down white 1989 Chevrolet Camaro with flat tires, which Rotondo called his “first car,” bought with his own money at age 18.

“I’ve had this for years,” he said of the storage container. “I got it for the car because I didn’t want to give it away.”

He demanded that no photos be taken inside because “I don’t want people to see my stuff.”

Rotondo got a helping hand from Mastropool after meeting him for the very first time “the other day.” The two quickly surmised they were distant cousins.

“Try to not scratch it up,” Rotondo barked at Mastropool as he navigated a dusty work table into the storage space.

Mastropool said he offered to help because he thinks Michael, who was fired from his job at Best Buy in 2015 and last worked as a ski instructor last year, may have mental health issues.

“I have a nephew like that so that’s what originally made me want to help,” Mastropool said.

Rotondo says he was diagnosed in 2007 with paranoid schizophrenia but doesn’t take medication. He believes he could be on the autism spectrum.

The big move came about a week after a Onondaga County Supreme Court judge ordered Rotondo to leave his parents’ home following a familial spat that became a full-blown court battle.

He’s been coasting rent-free at his parents’ for the past eight years, prompting the desperate couple to send him a series of typed eviction letters.

“After a discussion with your Mother, we have decided that you must leave this house immediately,” reads the first letter, dated Feb. 2. It concludes: “You have 14 days to vacate. . . We will take whatever actions are necessary to enforce this decision.” Each tersely written note is signed, “Mark and Christina Rotondo.”

The patient parents even offered their son $1,100 to “find a place to stay” — which he says he took to pay bills. But he showed no signs of flying the coop anytime soon, prompting the fed-up parents to sue him.

Rotondo has vowed to appeal the judge’s eviction order.

“I have to,” he insisted, even though he claims he has no interest in staying at his parents’ place.

Since losing in court, Rotondo hasn’t been on speaking terms with his parents — and even groused about his mom “harassing” him by making small talk earlier this week.

“She just won’t stop trying, it bothers me,” he said.

The family feud stems from another court battle in which Mark and Christina filed for visitation rights for Rotondo’s 8-year-old son, whom he lost custody of in September. Rotondo fought their petition.

The parents — who have been mum since news of their lawsuit went viral — couldn’t be reached for comment.

His mother, who hadn’t been seen at the family home in days, was spotted entering the house Thursday afternoon after 4 p.m, carrying luggage.

Their lawyer, Anthony Adorante, was out of town but his receptionist said he wouldn’t be commenting on the case.