
Schneiderman accuser reportedly meets with special prosecutor

One of Eric Schneiderman’s accusers was interviewed Wednesday by the special prosecutor investigating domestic-violence allegations against the former state attorney general, according to a new report.

Michelle Manning Barish met with Nassau County District Attorney Madeline Singas as part of a probe sparked by the magazine expose that led Schneiderman to abruptly resign in disgrace earlier this month, two people familiar with the investigation told The Associated Press.

In a May 7 report by the New Yorker, Barish claimed that Schneiderman began abusing her — including choking her and slapping her across the face — shortly after they began dating in mid-2013.

The magazine reported that Barish was one of three girlfriends whom Schneiderman assaulted and that he also attacked a fourth woman when she spurned his advances.

Singas’ office declined comment, and Barish’s lawyer was traveling and could not be immediately reached, the AP said.

Schneiderman has denied assaulting anyone, and his defense lawyer, Isabelle Kirshner, has said she expected that Singas’ investigation wouldn’t result in any charges.

Kirshner declined to comment through a spokesman.