US News

Michael Cohen may have info on women ‘sexually victimized’ by Schneiderman

The FBI raid on Michael Cohen may have captured information about two women who say they were “sexually victimized” by ousted state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, a lawyer claimed Friday.

Upstate attorney Peter Gleason wrote to Manhattan federal Judge Kimba Wood — who’s overseeing a review of documents seized in the raid on President Trump’s “fixer” — asking her to seal any files concerning the two alleged victims.

Gleason says the two women individually came to him in 2012 and 2013 claiming Schneiderman had been “sexually inappropriate” with them.

He says he advised the women against going to Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance because the DA had ignored his cases in the past — but he discussed the matter with pal and ex-Post reporter Steve Dunleavy, who said he’d bring it up with Trump.

At the time, Schneiderman was suing the future president’s failed Trump University — and Trump was flirting with the idea of running for governor.

“He said, ‘I could get that over to Trump or to Trump’s office.’ The next day, I got a call from Cohen,” Gleason told The Post, adding that he got the women’s permission to speak with Trump’s personal attorney.

“I thought it would’ve been good because if Trump had followed through with his pledge run for New York State governor, then he’d be a sympathetic ear.”

Dunleavy told The Post on Friday that he remembers Gleason telling him about the women — but that he never spoke to Trump about it.

Shortly after Gleason says he spoke to Cohen, Trump tweeted: “Weiner is gone, Spitzer is gone – next will be lightweight A.G. Eric Schneiderman. Is he a crook? Wait and see, worse than Spitzer or Weiner,” referring to disgraced state politicians Eliot Spitzer and Anthony Weiner.

Gleason says he doesn’t actually know if Cohen kept any record of their discussion, but if he did, he wants it protected.

“The extent of Mr. Cohen memorializing any of our communications is unknown,” he wrote to Judge Wood. “However, these two women’s confidentiality, as victims of a sexual assault, should be superior to that of any unrelated subpoena.”

The feds raided Cohen’s home, office and hotel room in April as part of a criminal investigation into his business dealings — seizing records related to several topics including his $130,000 payment to porn star Stormy Daniels over her alleged affair with Trump.

Schneiderman resigned this week after four women accused him of sexual battery — two of whom were in relationships with him post-2013.

Asked if he could’ve stopped Schneiderman sooner, Gleason said it was the women’s decision not to at least go to police or sue in civil court.

“I gave them a list of all their options, and with anybody that came into my office, I do not put any agenda ahead of the wishes of the clients,” he told The Post.

“Ultimately, it’s the client’s decision what to do. I said, ‘If you go forward you could end up being vilified.'”