
Lawyer: I warned elected officials about Schneiderman years ago

The upstate lawyer who says women came to him five years ago with sexual misconduct allegations against Eric Schneiderman now claims he then warned elected officials about the ex-attorney general’s behavior.

“It was an open secret,” Peter Gleason told The Post on Friday.

“I spoke to many people at a variety of events and some were elected officials.”

Indeed, he added to the New York Times that, “The highest levels of our state and city government were well aware.”

Gleason — who revealed Friday that two women came to him in 2012 and 2013 claiming Schneiderman was “sexually inappropriate” with them — refused to say which specific politicians he warned.

“I’m not going to name names. I’m not looking to get into pissing contest with these idiots,” he said.

He did say he’d warned Downtown politico Jeanne Wilcke not to be alone with Schneiderman — which she confirmed.

“I don’t remember the exact year, I just remember a number of years ago he had given me a warning about Schneiderman, that he told me to be careful, to not be in a room alone with him,” Wilcke, who is a member of the Downtown Independent Democrats poltical club with Gleason, told The Post.

She says Gleason didn’t tell her about the specific women or their allegations, but that he reiterated his warnings several times over the years — and that they were at a club event together Monday night when a bombshell New Yorker report that Schneiderman sexually battered four women hit the headlines.

“He said, ‘What did I tell you?’ I said, ‘Pete, you were right.’ I had no idea it was this bad what he’d been trying to convey to me,” she said.

Gleason also told the Times that the two women who came to him were not among the four who spoke with the New Yorker.