
Cuomo says chances of interim AG appointment look ‘iffy’

The odds are “iffy” on whether the legislature can get it together to appoint an interim replacement for disgraced former Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Gov. Cuomo said Friday.

In an interview on NY1, the governor acknowledged that the legislative branch has the power to do so, but he warned that a split between the Democratic-controlled Assembly and GOP-controlled state Senate could pose a major roadblock.

“There’s a joint vote of the legislature, which means it’s the Assembly and the Senate,” Cuomo said.

“The Assembly has the majority of votes. So, the Assembly often wins the vote. But the law says it has to be a joint resolution. I don’t know that the Senate will participate. If the Senate doesn’t participate, then there’s the possibility of a lawsuit where the Assembly could say the Senate is showing bad faith. That’s a very iffy process and it’s a time consuming process, especially if there is a lawsuit.”

Instead of political wheeling and dealing, Cuomo made it abundantly clear he prefers that acting AG Barbara Underwood continue to run the office until voters select a permanent replacement in November.

“I appointed her when I was attorney general as solicitor general. She’s extraordinarily qualified. I think she provides capable leadership and continuity in the office. So, I don’t think there’s any rush to replace the vacancy,” he said.

“The office is in very capable hands. In a short period of time, how many times do you want to disrupt that office?”

Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie is already planning public interviews of potential replacements next week.

Queens state Sen. Mike Gianaris, who oversees the Democratic Campaign Committee, is among those considering a run for AG — but he dismissed the idea of seeking a legislative appointment.

“This is a critical time in New York and a decision that deserves careful thought,” Gianaris said.

Schneiderman abruptly resigned Monday following published claims that he hit four women.