
Assemblywoman apologizes for bizarre tirade

Brooklyn Assemblywoman Diana Richardson apologized to Speaker Carl Heastie and fellow Democrats this week for going ballistic on the Assembly leader during a bizarre tirade last month over funding for a pet project, sources said.

Assembly Democrats were angry at Richardson’s freak-out, which occurred during a closed-door party caucus meeting.

Democrats told The Post she attacked Heastie’s integrity during her insulting rant.

Richard issued her damage control apology during a closed-door Democratic conference Monday afternoon, sources said.

Top-level Assembly staffers were directed to leave the conference room during the mea culpa.

“It was a good thing. She apologized honestly. The apology was accepted,” said one Assembly member who was in the room.

“It was well received. Hopefully, this won’t happen again. People learn from their mistakes. We move forward.”

Richardson also told members that she’s “working on my behavior,” sources said.

The sources said Richardson read from a prepared statement, saying she wanted to make sure her remarks were not “mischaracterized.”

Some Assembly Democratic members were lobbying behind the scenes persuade Richardson to get “professional help” to address her angry outbursts, insiders said.

Last month, Richardson was accused of blaming Jews for gentrification during a community board hearing. She denied making any anti-Jewish remarks.

Richardson, first elected to the Assembly in 2015, was arrested in November 2016 for beating her 12-year-old son with a broomstick. The charges were later dropped when she went for counseling.

Richardson declined comment on her apology.

“Conference is a private confidential session and I respect that privacy of the conference,” she said in Albany.