Sex & Relationships

Gentlemen, masturbating is really good for you

Men, we have got some good news for you — masturbating more can make you a better lover and boost your orgasms.

Regularly indulging in a bit of self-love will also relieve stress, help you sleep better and improve your self-esteem.

Men who masturbate weekly are 10 percent more confident in their performance in the bedroom than men who rarely touch themselves, research from sexual pleasure brand Tenga found.

And 12 percent of men who touch themselves have a better quality orgasm, according to the survey of 2,000 Brits.

Alix Fox, sex and relationship ambassador for Tenga, said: “Guys who regularly take time to pleasure themselves and appreciate their bodies are more likely to feel comfortable and confident in their own skins.”

“This, in turn, means they’re more likely to be relaxed when playing with a partner.

“It’s a lot easier to pay attention to the sensual signals someone’s giving off, to be fully immersed and present in a shared moment, to be switched on to your lover’s needs and turned on yourself if you’re not distracted by getting hung up on your own hang-ups.

“A regular masturbator is more likely to have been experimental in their solo sessions, too.

“They may well have discovered a broader range of erogenous zones and stimulation techniques that make them tick.

“They may even have tried some toys. This greater self-awareness and open-minded attitude makes for more exciting, creative partnered sex.

“The more men discover how their own bodies can feel wonderful in myriad ways, the more they are likely to try to bring that same liberated sense of adventure and those same fresh thrills to their lovers.”

The top three reasons people masturbate include pleasure, to relieve sexual tension and to de-stress.

Men are more likely to engage in self-love to relieve sexual tension but women are more likely to do it to achieve sexual pleasure on their own.

Some people do it to help them sleep, because they are bored, to improve their performance in the bedroom or because their partner isn’t around, the research found.

About 93 percent of British men masturbate, making them the most frequent in the world behind 93 percent of German men and 92 percent of American men.

Most men start touching themselves around the age of 15.

Eddie Marklew, from Tenga, added: “The health benefits of masturbation are well known.”

“What is less known are the emotional benefits that masturbation and discussing sexual topics can bring to a relationship.

“By encouraging people to be more open with their emotions, and sexual preferences, Tenga hopes to elevate the conversation around masturbation to create more fun and beneficial sexual experience.”