
Trump details Pompeo’s ‘very secret’ meeting with Kim

President Trump on Thursday said CIA Director Mike Pompeo had “a great meeting” with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un when the two had a secret sit-down over Easter weekend.

“He wasn’t supposed to meet with Kim Jong Un, but he did. They arranged while he was there to say hello. We have incredible pictures of the two talking and meeting, which I’d love to release,” Trump said on “Fox & Friends” during a half-hour phone call.

Trump followed up to say that the rendezvous was “more than a hello,” adding that Pompeo and the dictator of the rogue nation “were with each other for more than an hour.”

“They spoke. He spoke with [Un’s] counterparts in North Korea. They had a great meeting and he then left. It was very, very secret — very, very quiet,” Trump said.

It was previously reported that Pompeo discussed the three Americans being held in North Korea during the meeting. 

The commander-in-chief went on to say that the US “is doing very well with North Korea, and we’ll see how it all comes out.”

“I’m not like Obama where you go in and you have [former Secretary of State John] Kerry, who is the worst negotiator I’ve ever seen,” Trump said. “He goes in for the Iran deal. He never leaves. He should have just left. They could have made a much better deal.”

Trump noted that North Korea “wants to meet” and there’s currently “three or four dates” in the works for the meeting and five possible locations.

“It could be I walk out quickly — with respect,” Trump said of the meeting. “But it could be that maybe the meeting doesn’t even take place — who knows.”

He continued: “It was very, very nasty with Little Rocket Man and the buttons … everybody said, ‘This guy is gonna get us into nuclear war.’ Let me tell you, the nuclear war would have happened if you have weak people. We had weak people. This should have been settled long before I came into office.”

“This is a dangerous ballgame, but let me tell you, it’s going very well,” said POTUS.

Trump took the opportunity to take a shot at NBC’s “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd.

“When I watched Sleepy Eyes Chuck Todd the other day, he said, ‘Why is the president giving up so much and North Korea is giving up nothing,’” Trump said.

“It’s just the opposite. I haven’t given up anything. I haven’t even talked about it,” said Trump, adding that North Korea “has given up denuclearization, testing research.”

“The people have to understand how dishonest the news is,” Trump said.

He added: “When I came into office, people thought we were going into nuclear war, and now they’re saying, ‘Wow, that’s gonna be taken care of.'”