
Kimmel apologizes to Hannity for ‘harmful’ comments

Comedian Jimmy Kimmel apologized to Fox News’ Sean Hannity on Sunday, appearing to end a week-long feud between the two talk show hosts over Kimmel’s making light of first lady Melania Trump’s accent.

“While I admit I did have fun with our back and forth, after some thought, I realize that the level of vitriol from all sides (mine and me included) does nothing good for anyone and, in fact, is harmful to our country,” Kimmel wrote Sunday on Twitter.

In a skit on his ABC show Monday night, Kimmel mocked Trump’s accent as she read to children at the White House Easter Egg Roll.

Hannity called Kimmel a “despicable disgrace” the next night on his show and pointed out that the first lady speaks five languages.

“How many do you speak?” he asked Kimmel.

Kimmel, in his apology, raised the death threats he and his family got last year after he talked about how his newborn son’s life could be affected if lawmakers voted to remove coverage for pre-existing conditions in ObamaCare.

“The vile attacks against my wife and wishes for death on my infant son are shocking and I encourage those who made them to give their words and actions thought,” Kimmel wrote to his 11.4 million followers. “I, too, will give my words more thought and recognize my role in inciting their hatefulness.”

Addressing Hannity directly, Kimmel said he takes the Fox News anchor at “his word that he was genuinely offended by what I believed and still believe to be a harmless and silly aside referencing our First Lady’s accent.”

Hannity said he will respond to Kimmel’s apology on his show Monday.

“Just had this pop up. I am at a tournament with my daughter. I’ll have a full and comprehensive response tomorrow on Hannity. 9 EST FOX,” he responded on Twitter.

The website Deadline first reported on Kimmel’s Twitter apology.