
Moronic condom-snorting challenge takes over social media

Condoms might make for safer sex — but they’re at the center of the riskiest new social media challenge.

The viral video craze — dubbed “The Condom Challenge” — is striking fear into parents as teenagers record themselves dangerously snorting the rubbers and pulling them through their throats.

A number of clips emerging on YouTube show kids choking as they attempt to replicate the trend.

Despite the health hazards, teens are jumping on the latest craze to get more attention on social media, news station KABB-TV reported.

“Because these days our teens are doing everything for likes, views and subscribers,” Stephen Enriquez, a Texas-based health educator, told the station. “As graphic as it is, we have to show parents because teens are going online looking for challenges and recreating them.”

Experts such as Enriquez are warning students and parents about the dangers of the online trend, which can cause allergic reactions and choking.

Snorting condoms may not just be a painful experience, as they also could get stuck in the nasal cavity or throat, USAToday reported.

There’s also the possibility that the condoms will be inhaled into the lungs.

“The nose is connected to the back of the mouth — it’s also connected to the [airways],” Dr. Carol Cooper told news site DC Inno. “There’s every possibility something you push up your nose will end up in your windpipe, or in your lungs. With potentially fatal results.”