
Matador gored in the butt by raging bull

This is the horrifying moment a matador was gored in the backside by a raging bull in the middle of a performance in his hometown.

Andy Younes was in the ring in Arles, close to the southern French city of Marseille, when the animal charged at him.

The 20-year-old French matador was sent flying by the animal, with dramatic photographs showing him tumbling to the ground.

The incident happened during a performance at the Feria de Paques Easter festivities on Sunday.

The Easter Feria traditionally marks the start of the French bullfighting season, with Younes granted the privilege of performing in front of his home crowd.

The young matador entered the bullring for the first time as a 5-year-old child and has performed most of his life.

Despite his time in the bullring being cut short by the goring, Younes received a standing ovation and was hailed as a hero as he departed the arena on the shoulders of fellow participants.

Sunday’s goring was not the first serious injury suffered by the popular French bullfighter.

He suffered serious injuries last July when he was gored during a warm-up alongside Spanish matador Juan Miguel at the Plaza de Toros de Las Ventas in Madrid.

Horrifying footage emerged showing Juan Miguel being charged at by the raging bull, before being gored in the scrotum and neck.

Miguel’s puncture wound to the neck was so deep, it cut through his thyroid gland.

Shortly after, Younes was seriously injured by the same bull, leaving him with injuries in both thighs and his ankle.

He then was thrown to the ground and suffered a traumatic brain injury on the right side of his head.