
Unhinged woman takes swing at Cuomo during press conference

An unhinged woman disrupted an impromptu news conference being held by Gov. Andrew Cuomo in Albany on Wednesday — swearing and taking a swing at him before she was hauled away by state troopers.

The unidentified woman emerged from the state police station inside the state Capitol while Cuomo was standing nearby, discussing the earlier arrest of a Daily News reporter who was caught using his cellphone in violation of posted rules.

“Did you know this office doesn’t want to submit a complaint of a sexual harassment I had here? NDA? And they went, they took out a rifle on me Friday, here?” she shouted, according to video posted on YouTube.

The woman, wearing a Yankees jacket, a striped stocking cap and headphones, then turned her ire on Cuomo, who stopped talking and glanced at her as she screamed and pointed at him.

“Yeah, you’re not doing nothing here, you punk ass! You’re not doing a motherf–king s–t either! I got proof!” she said.

Cuomo turned back to the reporters and resumed speaking as the woman continued ranting behind him, saying, “There’s corruption going on here! They’re stealing money! I got the proof right here!”

Several troopers emerged from the office and scuffled with the woman, who swung a fistful of papers toward Cuomo’s back as she was dragged back into the office.