
Nixon calls Cuomo a ‘famously vengeful’ bully

Cynthia Nixon attacked Gov. Andrew Cuomo as “famously vengeful” and said she decided to challenge him because “bullies have to be confronted.”

The actress went after the governor in a wide-ranging interview with Glamour magazine, where she also charged that Cuomo rules by fear.

“The blunt truth is that Andrew Cuomo has a [nearly] $31 million war chest, and he is famously vengeful,” Nixon said.

“It is almost impossible for anybody who is in Democratic politics to run against him … I think somebody who is supposed to have the public interest, but rules through fear, is exactly the person you have to go up against. Bullies have to be confronted.”

Cuomo shrugged off the personal attack, saying he hadn’t read the blistering comments and has never even met Nixon.

“Everybody can say what they want. We’re going to have a political season. People choose their own style in life and I have no comment on it.”

Meanwhile, two prominent Democratic elected officials — Public Advocate Letitia James and Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer — both declined to endorse Cuomo for re-election on Friday.

Appearing jointly on WNYC radio, the female politicians said there are some issues that need examination, including mass transit, affordable housing and education, before they can back the governor’s re-election.

Their actions raised eyebrows because most of the Democratic establishment is expected to line up behind the incumbent governor, who is seeking a third term.

The duo also shot down the notion that actress Nixon is unqualified to run for governor by pointing out she’s a Barnard graduate and has been an education activist.

Nixon announced this week that she’s taking on Cuomo in September’s Democratic primary.

“I’d like to wait and see. I’m not an early endorser,” Brewer said.

James chimed in, “I share that assessment.”

“We need to have a robust discussion about the issues,” James added.

In late January, James told The Post that she was backing the re-election of Cuomo’s running mate, Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul, who is facing a primary challenge from Brooklyn Councilman Jumaane Williams.

“Girl power,” James said at the time.

Asked if Nixon is qualified to run the state, Brewer said, “Cynthia Nixon is very smart. She’s a Barnard [College] graduate.”