US News

Uber driver details fateful ride with alleged school shooter

Confessed Florida shooter Nikolas Cruz calmly told an Uber driver he was headed to “music class” just minutes before carrying out his murderous rampage.

Cruz ordered an Uber on Valentine’s Day at 2:06 p.m. and climbed into the back of the car carrying a large case, CBS Miami reported Wednesday.

The Uber driver, who did not want to be identified, said she thought nothing of the case – which actually concealed an AR-15 assault rifle.

“I saw him with a backpack which I thought was a guitar case. He told me, ‘I am going to my music class,’” said the driver, who picked Cruz up from a location on Loxahatchee Road in Parkland.

The 19-year-old appeared calm and didn’t speak to the driver on the 13-minute drive to his destination — Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

“Just a normal person,” the driver said. “I didn’t see anything strange or something like that, no.”

Asked whether he gave any indication he was about to carry out the deadliest school shooting since 2012’s Sandy Hook massacre, the driver replied, “nothing, nothing, nothing.”

The driver continued about her day after dropping Cruz off at 2:21 p.m. but soon learned of the tragedy at the school.

“I saw the news and I thought ‘Oh, I just left someone over there,’” she recalled.

The Broward County Sheriff’s Office called her shortly after and wanted to search her car. She said they found nothing.

“Don’t be afraid,” they told her. “You have nothing to do with this.”

The driver said she can’t help but feel connected to the deadly shooting. A few days later, she picked up a fare that was headed to a funeral for a victim.

“I made an Uber and I went to a funeral and I started to cry,” she said. “I don’t know. I feel involved with all this tragedy.”