John Crudele

John Crudele


So, who gets the speeding ticket for a self-driving car?

You’ve probably heard that driverless cars are on their way to becoming the new normal. That, at least, is what the techies say.

One professor even suggests that driverless cars will change how people shop. The day will come when we say: “Car, drive down to Starbucks and pick me up an iced cinnamon almond milk macchiato. Use the drive-through lane. And stop by the ShopRite to pick up my grocery order.”

OK, I’m ready for that.

But I have some questions about these so-called autonomous autos that I’d like answered.

For instance, are these vehicles going to be programmed to do the speed limit? If they are, they will be the only vehicles on the road obeying the law. And I don’t want to be the guy in the right lane slowing everyone down.

And, if for some reason they do exceed the speed limit, who gets the ticket? Will law enforcement have to track down the programmers and make them pay? Or do I — the passenger — have to pay even though I’m not responsible?

And if these cars don’t speed, how will towns balance their budgets when they lose that ticket revenue? Will they be the end of speed traps?

And what about insurance companies? If they can’t raise rates because nobody is getting tickets, how will that hurt their profits?

And where do you sit in a driverless car? In the front seat, where your tendency will be to grab the wheel? Or in the back seat, where you can pretend that you finally have a chauffeur?

And then there’s this — perhaps the most important question of all. If someone cuts off your driverless car, are you — the passenger — obliged to flip the bird to the offending driver of the traditional vehicle?