
Jumaane Williams gets endorsement from liberal coalition

A liberal statewide coalition announced Wednesday that it endorsed one of its own — Brooklyn Councilman Jumaane Williams — for lieutenant governor.

In doing so, the New York Progressive Action Network snubbed Democratic incumbent Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul.

“Jumaane is not just a part of the resistance to Trump, he is the face and symbol of that resistance,” said NYPAN co-chair George Albro.

Albro said said Wiliams is “one of the very rare breed of Democrats who is not scared off by the Cuomo/Hochul horde of millions” collected from the top “one percent” of wealthy donors and special interests.

NYPAN, which has 32 chapters and affiliates across the state, includes many activists who backed Bernie Sanders campaign for president over Hillary Clinton. Williams, is a founding member of the Brooklyn chapter and was a Sanders delegate to the 2016 Democratic National Convention.

The group’s executive board also voted to become an affiliate of the left-leaning Working Families Party.

NYPAN organizers are looking for an alternative Democrat to back for governor in the primary against Gov. Cuomo, who is seeking a third-term.

The WFP backed Cuomo is his last two elections, but not without dissent and grumbling.