
InfoWars is a den of racism and harassment: ex-staffers

Former staffers at controversial conspiracy theory website InfoWars claim founder Alex Jones laughed as they endured frequent racist harassment and once groped a female employee, according to a new report.

Rob Jacobson, who is Jewish, and Ashley Beckford, who is black, both filed complaints with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission earlier this month outlining the abuse they allegedly suffered working under Jones and other colleagues, documents published by the Daily Mail reveals.

Beckford, a production assistant and presenter, said she lasted less than a year at the website, during which time Jones allegedly groped her butt while saying, “Who wouldn’t want a black wife?”

He also wandered around shirtless while “leering” at female employees and guests, she claims.

One colleague called her a “c-on,” another kept referring to black people as “colored” on air — despite Beckford’s objections — while a third flaunted a pair of swastika-covered sneakers he received from a fan, she claims.

She also says she was pressured to engage with Hillary Clinton supporters on camera — who subjected her to “racial slurs” and called her an “Uncle Tom.”

Beckford says she was ultimately fired after demanding the same pay as her white, male colleagues.

Meanwhile, Jacobson, a video editor, claims he was mocked for being Jewish and that Jones also nicknamed him “Beefcake” — a reference, he says, to gay porn.

“My employer used racial slurs against me, calling me ‘The Resident Jew,’ ‘The Jewish Individual,’ and ‘Yacobson.’ My workplace was a syndicated radio show, so these slurs were made publicly, on air,” he writes in his complaint.

“My employer also inserted my face onto the photo of a Hasidic Jewish man and circulated that picture around the office.”

When KKK leader David Duke came on InfoWars as a guest, Jones introduced Jacobson as his “Jewish employee” while Duke called him “the Jewish individual” — a nickname other colleagues adopted, he says.

Jacobson believes he was fired as an act of retaliation for complaining to HR.

Jones denied most of the allegations to the Daily Mail as “completely, totally false” — but acknowledged that Duke called Jacobson a “Jewish individual.”