US News

GOPer stung by sex scandal loses bid to fill seat vacated over misconduct

A GOP candidate – recently stung by an embarrassing sexting revelation – lost his bid Tuesday to win a congressional seat vacated by Rep. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.), who had been forced out by his own sex scandal.

Former State Senate President Pro-Tempore Debbie Lesko won the Republican nod over former state Sen. Steve Montenegro, pegged as the odd-on favorite after Franks endorsed him.

Montenegro conceded the race, the Arizona Republic reported.

The seat in Arizona’s 8th Congressional District, which encompasses suburbs north and west of Phoenix, became open when Franks was forced out of office in December.

The congressman resigned after it was revealed he pressed two female staffers to bear his child as a surrogate.

Montenegro’s campaign appeared to be running smoothly until last week, when it was revealed he exchanged steamy text messages with a female subordinate.

One of the messages sent by the staffer was a topless picture of herself, according to the Arizona Republic and KPNX-TV.

Montenegro, away at an education summit in Tennessee at the time, responded with regrets that his underling hadn’t made the trip: “You should have come.”

Montenegro, who also had the endorsement of former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, is a married Christian minister who has put family value at the forefront of his campaign.

Lesko, who had the endorsement of popular former Gov. Jan Brewer, is considered a favorite to keep the conservative district in GOP hands.

President Trump won the district in 2016, 58 percent to 37 percent.

In April, Lesko will face Democrat Hiral Tipirneni, an ER doctor and political newcomer.

Republican candidate and former Arizona state Sen. Debbie Lesko, (right) celebratesAP