Sex & Relationships

Dad forced to flip through X-rated pics of daughter at trial

This testimony was torture.

Father-of-six Francisco Gonzales was forced to look through 60 X-rated photos that a sicko Bronx cop had of his then-15-year-old daughter at the officer’s departmental trial Thursday.

The furious dad furrowed his brows and sighed heavily as he flipped through the nude photos — at one point shooting cop Raul Olmeda a dirty look.

“Yeah, that’s my daughter,” he said on the stand at police headquarters in lower Manhattan.

Olmeda has been accused of having sex with the minor, identified as SG — and also participating in a threesome with the teen and her two-years-older sister, Alexa.

“The young victim, in this case, is a troubled girl. Troubled girls often make perfect victims,” NYPD prosecutor Anna Krutaya said Thursday during closing arguments.

“[Olmeda had] dozens of photos of a 15-year-old victim, whose father had to look through them to identify his daughter…. they were on his cell phone, on his Dropbox, on his computer,” Krutaya said.

“All of them depicting a 15-year-old fully nude with her intimate parts exposed and two photos that show her at least acting out a sexual act.”

In one recording, Olmeda threatened SG that her sister could go to jail if he were ever arrested, she said. He also told the 15-year-old to “lay low” because “technically you’re a minor.”

“This individual who has taken an oath to protect the people technically doesn’t care,” Krutaya said.

Gonzales explained that he’s been “dealing with this gentleman for a long time.”

Olmeda started “messing around” with his older daughter, Alexa, when she was just 16 or 17, he said.

“He used to work in the branch where I do my banking… TD Bank,” Gonzales said.

He first learned of the relationship when he saw a text from Olmeda on Alexa’s phone.

“He was texting for her to send him a picture of her naked. I was very angry,” Gonzales said.

“I went to the bank. He tried to avoid me… I told him to stay away from my daughter because I knew he wasn’t just babysitting for him and I saw the text message.”

Olmeda’s defense attorney, Stewart London, insisted during his closing arguments that there’s no way to prove the photos of SG were taken in the cop’s pad. “I submit they have not met the burden of proof in this case,” he said.

In addition to administrative charges, Olmeda faces a slew of criminal charges in the Bronx, including five counts of third-degree rape and five counts of use of a child in a sexual performance.

He faces up to 15 years in prison on the top charge. He is due back in court May 1.