US News

North Korea holds military parade on eve of Olympics

North Korean President Kim Jong Un presided over an extravagant military parade in a Pyongyang square on

Thursday, a show of strength a day before the opening of the Winter Olympics in South Korea.

The regime had been planning the parade for weeks to mark the 70th anniversary of the founding of its military but instead of broadcasting it live, North Korea later aired an edited version on state-run television.

Clips showed Kim, dressed in a dark winter jacket and hat, standing alongside his military leaders as they watched thousands of high-stepping troops, tanks, armored vehicles and a convoy of military trucks carrying various types of missiles file by in front of them.

In a speech, Kim warned against “aggressors” who want to “ridicule our dignity and sovereignty.”

“As long as imperialism remains on the Earth and as long as the United States’ hostile policy on North Korea continues, the mission of our military, which is to protect our country and people and secure peace, can never change,” he said.

Meanwhile, Vice President Pence arrived in South Korea and met with President Moon Jae In and called on him to pursue a more hawkish approach to his belligerent neighbor across the border and ignore its “propaganda.”

“Our resolve to stand with you is unshakable,” Pence said.

But Moon has seen the games as a way to renew relations with North Korea and has called them the “Olympic Games of peace.”

Even as North Korea said it has “no intention” of meeting with Pence during his visit to South Korea, Moon said he would meet on Saturday with Kim’s sister, Kim Yo Jong, who is part of the delegation of athletes and officials attending the games.

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