
Another top aide leaving NYCHA while Shola Olatoye remains

Another top official at the New York City Housing Authority is stepping down — and he won’t say if he’s leaving voluntarily.

David Farber, the authority’s general counsel and executive vice president for legal affairs, is the fourth high-ranking official to pack it in amid probes by the Department of Investigation and US Attorney’s Office into how the agency handled lead-paint inspections.

Authority chair Shola Olatoye announced Farber’s departure Wednesday at a regularly scheduled board meeting.

“[He] has served as a critical member of my senior staff, counsel to me personally in my role here, and is also a dear, dear friend,” she said. “We want to thank him for his almost 3½ years’ service.”

Farber became general counsel in August 2014 and oversees 155 people in the agency’s legal unit.

When asked if he was forced out, Farber offered a curt “no comment.”

The top leadership of NYCHA has been under fire since the Department of Investigation revealed in November that Olatoye had certified to the feds that the agency had conducted mandated lead-paint testing when she knew it hadn’t.

Last week, Olatoye faced more questions when a letter surfaced from NYCHA inspector general Ralph Iannuzzi revealing that she had given false testimony to the City Council about the qualifications of the workers who conducted the inspections.

NYCHA’s legal team assisted in preparing the incorrect information sent to the feds as well as in Olatoye’s council testimony, said agency spokeswoman Jasmine Blake.

Iannuzzi sat in the front row of Wednesday’s board meeting.

Farber joins the ranks of three other top officials who have left in recent weeks: general manager Michael Kelly; senior VP for operations Brian Clarke and technical-services director Jay Krantz.

Kelly, who is scheduled to depart on Feb. 22, refused to speak to The Post Wednesday.

Olatoye gave him a fond, public farewell by praising his “level of grace and professional energy.”

Mayor De Blasio still hasn’t directly addressed questions about whether he asked Kelly to fall on his sword, speaking only in general terms Monday night about the departures.

“There were some people at ­NYCHA who needed to move on, and they have,” he said.

Blake, the agency spokeswoman, said Farber “has chosen to leave NYCHA” and the end of de Blasio’s first term “is a perfect transition time.”

Meanwhile, council Speaker Corey Johnson put Olatoye on notice that while he’s not asking for her resignation “at this moment,” she is under intense scrutiny.

“In the future, it’s not good enough for her to say, ‘Sorry I was briefed with bad information,’ ” he said at an unrelated press conference. “Who was briefing you? Is that person going to stay? Who briefed them? Ultimately when it comes to NYCHA, accountability falls to her because she’s the chair.”