
What happens if a plane door opens mid-flight is absolutely terrifying

We’ve all had nightmares about what happens if a plane door opens when you’re in the middle of a flight.

It’s now been revealed that if the highly unlikely event should happen, it would only take half a second before catastrophe hits.

According to ASAPScience, due to a difference in air pressure, anything not secured would immediately be pulled out of the plane.

Pressure on the door is that of 8,000 to 10,000 feet above sea level.

Anybody who isn’t pulled out of the plane would be at huge risk of death as the plane would quickly fall apart in the air.

There would also be a huge risk of oxygen deficiency for anyone who doesn’t have their oxygen mask on.

But rest assured that the chances of this happening are very, very small — as it’s almost impossible for the plane door to open like this.

Pilot and author Patrick Smith told the Telegraph just how unlikely it is that this could happen.

In fact, you’d need a hydraulic jack to open a door mid-flight as the cabin pressure is so great.

And there’s no need to worry about someone having one on board.

Smith said: “You would need a hydraulic jack, and airport security doesn’t allow those.”

Earlier this month, SunOnline revealed that a man who was filmed opening an emergency exit and clambering out over the wing of a delayed jet earlier this month was suffering an asthma attack.

It was claimed that the passenger decided on drastic action after the delayed flight from Stansted was held on the tarmac after landing at Malaga.

The man, said to be a 57-year-old Pole named Victor, had become frustrated after it arrived an hour late, and then passengers were kept waiting another 30 minutes with no explanation, according to passengers.

Stunned Fernando Del Valle Villalobos, who filmed the man making his escape, said: “This man decided he wasn’t going to wait any longer. He activated the emergency door and left, saying, ‘I’m going via the wing.’ It was surreal.”

The video shows ground staff appearing to be trying to dissuade him from going any farther.

In August 2016, a Bolivian-born Spanish immigrant made headlines around the world after being filmed sprinting across a runway to catch his flight, mistakenly thinking he was about to miss it.

Fast food worker Cesar Saucedo, 24, sparked a security breach alert by jumping off a disconnected jet bridge at Madrid Airport and dashing toward a plane preparing to take off.

He managed to make his flight to the holiday island of Gran Canaria but was intercepted by police at his destination.