
Cops, MTA crack down on littering subway riders

Since fines for littering on the subway doubled to $100 in mid-September, cops have been cracking down on sloppy straphangers.

MTA police issued 200 littering tickets between Sept. 14 and Dec. 28, and the NYPD gave out another 97 from Sept. 14 to Dec. 17.

That’s more than twice the 143 littering violations recorded in all of 2016.

This fall was the first time MTA police began enforcing littering laws in the subway system; until now, only the NYPD issued such summonses.

MTA brass jacked up the fines and increased enforcement because mounting trash and debris on tracks were causing more fires and flooding, resulting in more danger and delays.

The problem had become so bad, MTA boss Joe Lhota even considered banning food on the subway last summer.