
Tonya Harding’s agent quits over her request to fine reporters

Tonya Harding’s comeback tour just took a nightstick to the knee over her own greed and denial.

The disgraced figure skater was dumped by her own publicist/agent for demanding that journalists pay fines if they dare ask about the kneecapping Nancy Kerrigan suffered ahead of the 1994 Winter Olympics.

Michael A. Rosenberg, who represented Harding during the “I, Tonya” promotional tour, revealed the demand in a Facebook post (via Twitter) on Thursday.

“‘I, Tonya’ is now ‘goodbye, Tonya,'” he wrote. “Unfortunately, we reached an impasse today on how to treat the press in the future. Her adamant and final position is that reporters must sign an affidavit stating that they won’t ask her anything ‘about the past’ or they’ll be fined $25,000. Obviously, it doesn’t work that way, and therefore I’ve chosen to terminate our business relationship.”

Harding, 47, has been enjoying red carpet appearances alongside Margot Robbie and Allison Janney for the sympathetic film, which paints her as a victim of abuse at the hands of her mother and her estranged then-husband, Jeff Gillooly. It’s Gillooly who’s painted as the true villain behind the attack on Kerrigan.

“I am sad as I write this; but at the same time I’m happy that I had such an adventure with the movie and with recreating a new positive image for her in the public eye. And I sincerely wish her the best,” Rosenberg said.

Harding has long denied knowledge of the incident, but said in the leadup to the film that she had an inkling something was being plotted.

“I knew that something was up,” Harding told ABC News earlier this month of Gillooly’s alleged plan to whack Kerrigan out of the competition. “I did, however, overhear them talking about stuff, where, ‘Well, maybe we should take somebody out so we can make sure she gets on the team.’ I go, ‘What the hell are you talking about?’”

Kerrigan is not interested in discussing the past, either. She told the Boston Globe she has been too busy to watch the film.

“I was the victim. Like, that’s my role in this whole thing. That’s it,” Kerrigan told the paper.