
NYC ‘heat wave’ will be short-lived

This touch of spring will be gone in a flash.

Temperatures are expected to climb to a balmy 62 degrees today, before dropping over the weekend.

After brutal arctic winds and an intense snowstorm, this is some wonky weather — but a January warm spell isn’t all that uncommon, meteorologists said.

“You see it pretty often,” said Dave Dombek, senior meteorologist for AccuWeather. “It’s going to be very short-lived.”

The last time New York City was this warm in January was exactly a year ago, on Jan. 12, 2017, with a high of 66 degrees, Dombek said.

The warm surge is caused by milder southern air moving up the coast, he explained.

But don’t shed those layers just yet. The cold will be back in full force by Saturday night, with a low of 16 degrees. “Reality check here. Keep the warm weather stuff in hand, you’re gonna need it this weekend,” Dombek said.