US News

Roy Moore’s Jewish lawyer voted for Doug Jones

The Jewish lawyer that Roy Moore’s wife bragged about hiring to counter charges of anti-Semitism voted for his longtime pal Doug Jones in the Dec. 12 special election for an Alabama Senate seat.

Richard Jaffe was the Alabama defense attorney hired by the Moores in 2016 to defend their son Caleb Moore against drug charges, The Washington Examiner reported.

“There could not be a more passionate supporter of Doug than me!” Jaffe told the website.

Jaffe also said that he and Jones, a Democrat, had been friends for 30 years, and that he had donated to Jones’ campaigns.

Moore’s clueless wife Kayla stunned listeners when she mentioned Jaffe while defending her hubby, a former state judge and accused child predator just before the election.

“Fake news will tell you that we don’t care for Jews. I tell you all this because I’ve seen it also I just want to set the record straight while they’re here,” Kayla Moore said at a campaign rally in Midland City, Ala.

“One of our attorneys is a Jew!”

Kayla Moore’s comments followed claims that Moore hated Jewish people because of his allegations that Jewish billionaire George Soros was financing his opponents — and going to hell.

“He’s still going to the same place that people who don’t recognize God and morality and accept his salvation are going,” the bible-thumping pol said during a radio interview.