US News

Topless activist tries to steal Nativity baby Jesus at the Vatican

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Authorities attempt to stop a topless activist from reaching the Nativity scene in Saint Peter's Square.Reuters


A topless activist tried to snatch baby Jesus from the Nativity scene in St. Peter’s Square in Rome on Monday.


The activist, with the radical women’s group FEMEN, jumped over the railing around the scene and lunged for the statue of Jesus before she was foiled by a Vatican guard.

The woman screamed, “God is woman!” and had the same slogan painted on her back.

Pictures show her sprinting toward the elevated Nativity, making it up the steps and even managing to touch the statue of the infant before she was pulled off by guards and detained.

The drama took place two hours before Pope Francis delivered his Christmas tidings to some 50,000 people in the square.

The woman was identified on FEMEN’s website as Alisa Vinogradova.

The stunt occurred the morning after a group of FEMEN activists protested at the nativity with “#metoo” painted on their bare chests and “assaulted by the church” scrawled across their abdomens.

FEMEN, founded in Ukraine, says its mandate is “complete victory of patriarchy.”

“A child is not from a god, but from a woman! For a woman is God!” FEMEN’s website wrote in its coverage of Monday’s near-snatching.

Another FEMEN activist undertook a similar caper back in 2014 on Christmas Day — successfully grabbing the baby Jesus from the altar before she was detained.

With Post wires